
10 March 2011

The Four Gospels

Artist Makoto Fujimura has recently finished what may very well be the masterpiece of his lifetime: illuminations of the Four Gospels. This project was commissioned by Crossway Books in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the King James Version Bible. Fujimura painted five large canvases (one for each gospel and one for the frontispiece), more than eighty illuminations of first-chapter letters, and more than one hundred and forty pages of illuminations.

This is a stunning project. The works of art are, of course, magnificent. They are also non-figurative, that is, abstract. It is revolutionary to combine abstract art with the Biblical text; it is also pretty much just revolutionary to illuminate the Bible at all in this century!

The original works are on tour; see if you can catch a show!

Fujimura is blogging about his thought process here.

You can purchase a copy of the book from Crossway or (less expensively) on amazon.

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