
22 April 2008

another review of Planet Narnia

Here is my first published review article of Michael Ward's Planet Narnia, in the quarterly magazine of [one of] my alma mater[s], Gordon College. The illustrations are by one Grant Hanna, also a Gordon alum, and are in my opinion, fantastic! I don't know anything about technique, etc., but he expresses Ward's and Lewis's (and even Charles Williams's) ideas beautifully, with great profundity. The one above, for example, incorporates Aslan in his Lion, Witch, & Wardrobe character as Jove with Jupiter's "bleeding" red spot (which CW took as a wound in the dying and rising king) and snowflakes morphing into blooming roses. Fantastic!

The one below show Mars in both his military and his vegetative functions, as he influences Prince Caspian. Don't forget that the movie comes out on May 16th. When I watch the trailer, I don't know whether to cheer or weep -- probably some of each!


Rabbit Engine said...

So glad you like the illustrations!
As to technique, they are all done in watercolor - the originals are each about 4 inches square.

Rabbit Engine said...

you can see some of the progress on my blog here:
and here: